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Qi hong agrees that you can only display this website on your PC for personal purposes. You are not allowed to use this site for commercial or any other purpose without the written permission of qihong. You agree not to copy, distribute, publish or broadcast any content contained in this website to anyone, including but not limited to companies and organizations. You are not allowed to post the content of this website on newsgroups, mail groups, or bulletin boards. You agree that you have no right to modify, edit, change, or add any material in any way. This limitation shall come into force automatically without prior notice to you. Under the terms of the restriction, you agree to destroy any printed or downloaded material immediately.
You agree that without gas or gas rainbow rainbow grantee written permission will not be on this web site contains any content or third party data mirror to any other server or Internet device.
This website can be linked to WWW or to a third party website on the Internet that is not controlled and maintained by qihong. Qi hong provides these links only your identity is to provide you with convenient, qi hong is not responsible to third party web site content, due to the results of third party sites may and all risks borne by your own. Certain areas of this site are protected by password (restricted areas). If you are an authorized user of these restricted areas, you agree that you are responsible for keeping your passwords and accounts confidential. You agree to be fully responsible for any actions taken by your account, including any expenses incurred by the account under password protection, whether or not the charges are your personal actions.
You acknowledge that this site can contain inaccuracies or typographic errors that affect the quality of the content. Your approved material or any third party content is not independently verified by qihong or authorized in whole or in part. And agree that gas rainbow does not guarantee material or third party content accurate or timely. You further agree that qihong is not responsible for any material or third party content.
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In order to maximize the extension of applicable laws, qihong shall not be liable for any damage or loss caused by the display, copying or downloading of information, use or failure to use the website. Gas rainbow wrong any indirect, special, can follow, punitive, incidental or corresponding responsible for damages and losses (including not limited to loss of profits, indirect losses, collateral damage, data loss, taxes or other economic interests loss).
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If you violate the terms of this website, qihong reserves the right to terminate the service without prior notice or explanation.
Can you agree with gas and gas rainbow rainbow grantee under the condition of the prior statement to improve or change this website service and price, and further agree to gas rainbow can without declaration to revise these terms and conditions, you should visit this website regularly to understand the current terms. Your continued use of this site is considered acceptable.
Any dispute arising from this statement or the use of this website shall be settled through negotiation. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, all parties agree that the dispute shall be settled through arbitration by panyu arbitration commission. The arbitration award shall be binding upon both parties.
The right to interpret this announcement and the right to interpret the use of this website belong to qi hong.